^Plan of Victims, Berlin, John Hejduk 1986
Text by John Hejduk from his afterword to Stanley Tigerman's Monograph:
"When I examine his plans it occurs to me that, throughout
the history of Architecture, plans have changed the least. This, I think, is a
curious phenomenon. It is sometimes stated that the plan is a horizontal
section, in relation to the well-known vertical section of architecture. So it
may be, but I think architectural plans are something else. I think they are
architecture in a state of sleep. Plans are sleeping architecture that, in the
extreme, are architecture in death. We tend not to want to disturb
architectural plans, for they are so still and so quiet, abstract and awesome.
The plan shows the death of the soul of architecture. It is an X-ray of the
soul. The plan returns architecture to a state of timelessness. The plan has no
need for clothes or ornamentation; it carries with it an inevitability. The
plan is sacred and inviolate."